1658 -
Name |
William Earnshaw [1, 2] |
Born |
8 Apr 1658 |
Bradfield, Yorkshire, England [3] |
Gender |
Male |
Person ID |
I4750 |
Paul's Tree |
Last Modified |
2 Jul 2018 |
Family |
Anne Roberts, b. 9 Nov 1659, Wooldale, Yorkshire, England |
Married |
18 Oct 1683 |
Balby Meeting,Yorkshire, England [2, 4] |
Children |
| 1. John Earnshaw, b. 7 Aug 1684, Yorkshire, England , d. 16 Sep 1750, Woodend, Yorkshire, England (Age 66 years) [natural] |
| 2. Thomas Earnshaw, b. 15 Apr 1687, Yorkshire, England [natural] |
| 3. Joshua Earnshaw, b. 8 Mar 1690, Hullock, New Mill, West Yorkshire, England [natural] |
| 4. Mary Earnshaw, b. 3 Jan 1693/94, High Flatts, Yorkshire, England [natural] |
Last Modified |
2 Jul 2018 |
Family ID |
F2291 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- Possible christenings/births from IGI:
William Earnshaw christening: 24 Feb 1660 Luddenden, York, England parents:Michael Earnshaw
William Earnshaw birth 08 Apr 1658 BRADFIELD,YORK,ENGLAND parents:William Earnshaw
William Earnshawe Or Addie christening: 05 Jan 1645 KIRKBURTON,YORK,ENGLAND parents:John Addie, Jenett Earnshawe
William Earnshawe christening: 01 Aug 1669 KIRKBURTON,YORK,ENGLAND parents:Richard Earnshawe
Willia. Greaues Or Earnshaw christening: 02 Jun 1655 ELLAND,YORK,ENGLAND parents:James Greaues, Jane Earnshaw
From Kirkburton Parish Registers:
January 1644-5 William sone of Jenett Earnshawe and John Addie bapt 5th day
From the book
Plain Country Friends
The Quakers of Wooldale, High Flatts and Midhope
David Bower and John Knight ISBN 0-9512633-0-7
(Appendix II)
Intentions to marry between 1680-1802
Recorded in the monthly & Preparative Meeting Minute Books
Wm. Earnshaw (Bradfield) Ann Roberts (Wooldale) 13/07/1683
From Balby Meetinghouse minutes:
These may certify? all whom the same may concern? that the Agreement Intention of Marriage betwixt Will
Earnshaw the younger of Hilltop? in ye ? of Bradfield County of Yorke ?? ?? and Anna Roberts of Woodale
single woman ye daughter of Tho: Roberts of Woodale afore said ? in ye ? of Kirkburton clothier,
having been openly published in ye genall? monthly meeting, and also in ye ?? meeting into ? they
genally? and respectively did belong according to Church order, and no objection made against their
pleeding? therein, having had also the full assent and consent of their parents and relations on
both ??, they ye ? Will & Anna did openly and solemnly as in ye ? of ye Lord, and in ye
congregation of his people being met together at ye house of Henry Jackson at Tolly?? ye eighteenth
day of october in ye year of our Lord 1683/ take each other in Marriage and take as husband and wife
ought to ?? ?? to Gods divine ?? and Appointment?. In witness whereof they hereunto set? their
hands the da and year above ?
William Earnshaw
Anna Earnshaw
And now we whose nanes are subscribed being present at ye ?? witnesses of ye publick sollemnization
of ye Marriage afore said according to ye order of ye Church of Christ Jesus ....
Tho: Roberts
Will Earnshaw ye older
Hen: Jackson
Hen Dickison?
Will Kay?
Jo: Brooke
Willl Shaw
Caleb Broadhead
Geo:? Shaw
Tho Green
Jos: Marsden
Jo Kay
? Broadhead
Jo: Starnadin?
Abraham Roberts
Aliore? Roberts
Arond? Dickenson
Mar: Nodhough?
Dan:? Broadhead
Tho: Roberts
Sam:? Naylo?
Sources |
- [S465] West Yorkshire, Non-Conformist Records, 1646-1985, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;), Database online.
Record for Joshua Earnshaw
- [S613] England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, 1578-1837, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2013;).
- [S342] FamilySearch England Births and Christenings 1538-1975, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NLSB-Q94.
- [S339] FamilySearch England Marriages 1538-1973, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NXQQ-QJK.